Engineering & the impact of COVID-19

Engineering & the impact of COVID-19

Like most industries across the UK, engineering has certainly felt the impact of COVID-19.

As early as March, some engineering companies were concerned about the effect of coronavirus on their business over the next six months. (source:pbc today)

As time went on, many of these concerns were realised as supply chains were cut short and some factories and plants were shut, resulting in redundancies and furloughing of staff.

Looking to the future many engineering companies believe that COVID-19 will continue to impact business by reshaping the way we work.

In a poll carried out by The Engineer in April, results showed:

40% believe the UK will have a more robust domestic supply chain

26% believe there will be an increased adoption of automation and digital tools.

14% think there will be a more nimble approach to design and manufacturing,

14% enhanced climate of collaboration.

However, only 6% of thought the crisis would improve the public’s perception of engineering, despite many engineering companies collaborating to help manufacture critical equipment to help fight the effects of COVID-19.

While it will certainly take some time to ‘get back to normal’ we are starting to see some elements of normality emerging.  As the lockdown eases there are signs of companies getting back to work, where possible, this has led management to carry out risk assessments, to come up with methods and measures to ensure social distancing so that engineering and manufacturing companies get can get up-and-running again.

Adcutech has the measures in place and we have the capacity.   We are ready and willing to get back to ‘business as normal’.   Don’t hesitate contact us today to kick start your production process and kick Covid to the kerb!