Key Characteristics

Key Characteristics

As part of our ongoing strategy, we have been looking at the key characteristics of a perfect customer for Adcutech.

This is an important exercise as it enables us to review our processes and adopt strategies to ensure we support our valued customers in the right way.

Establishing long term partnerships with our customers, rather than an arm’s length approach, allows both parties to develop, innovate and optimise the manufacturing process.

We want to be involved at the design stage so we can discuss manufacturability and cost effectiveness of the component.

Working together on supply strategies helps manage inventory and cost for both parties.  Whether the solution is weekly call offs based on a Kanban system or annual quantity orders with scheduled drops, regular communication, and collaboration with the right level of openness, can enhance the supply chain process and eliminate potential pitfalls.

What are the key characteristics you look for in a Supplier?

We could be your perfect match!